I have been continuing to read and to think about what I have read and how these ideas might relate to my own work. One thing which is starting to take form in my mind, is the progression of my original idea. Originally I had broad idea that I could investigate medical scan images looking for a way to try and bring back something of the person who that scan represents. I am now wondering about the medical scan as a photograph and how it relates to Barthes idea that a photograph is a precursor to death. The scan is a type of photograph which strips away recognisable features of the individual and of time and place. It even misses out vitality as the viewer has no idea if image shows a deceased person or not. This idea expands and alters my original concept and how I think of life, pain, death and loss have shifted. I was on a call the other day and someone used the word ‘bereft’. I wrote this down as I thought it is a word that can be applied to the living when thinking about the dead. The dead have no voice.
I have been working on a wide range of ideas this month, from a re-examination of Barthes and his idea of photography being a harbinger for death, research into how the death of a child might be seen differently to the death of a parent, reading a tutor recommended book by Geoffrey Batchen, arts-based research practice and a new piece looking at how I go about making a creative work which gives me space to explore my creative process. All this in addition to tutor and student meetings.
One thing I want to write here is a repeat of a point from previous feedback. I feel that this is crucial so I repeat this for my own benefit in an attempt to re-enforce the point. I have also copied this paragraph into my notebook.
How do I feel about my work? How do the different concepts and areas of research and creative works I review or create make me feel and react? Looking beyond initial feelings, how do I react and stop and think and revisit a chosen topic and how does reflection and time shape my responses and perhaps change or extend my perspective?
I am working towards Project 4 where I will produce a test creative work based on my research to date. This will lead into Project 5 which is defined as a mid-point review.