Tutor feedback #4

Tutor feedback this month was a written report rather than a video chat as trying to find suitable space for both tutor and myself was difficult.

Very interesting comments on the idea of the “graveyard as a stage“. My tutor went onto comment that “Rituals and commemoration are about the performativity of status, both of the deceased and the mourner and the culture of the two protagonists“. (Xenou, 2022)  It is a fascinating idea that the photograph is also about performance. My tutor introduced a thought on how the interested parties provide points of balance between “the deceased/subject; the mourner/installer/holder of the photograph; the culture that elevates these ideas and the medium to the importance they hold”. (Xenou, 2022)

I will do more research on these ideas as they feel crucial to my work. I am especially inerested in idea of the culture in which these ideas sit. My own culture and how a death of a child might be thought of and how the representation of a medical scan showing the brutality of cancer and the frankness of death and then considering the medium of how I record such motifs and make sense of these and make them my own are of particular interest.

One interesting piece of feedback was on a thought I had about photography freezing time  but that also death freezes time. Today, it so happens, is my daughter’s birthday. She would have been 25. Yet Rebecca died when she was 18 so is forever frozen in time at the point of death (or before). It interested me that my research poses questions. This in turn leads to reasearch and attempts to answer questions. The paradox here is that some aspects of death and loss cannot be resolved or satisfactorily answered. I can start to see questions I can pose which might form the backbone of my written work. Running in parallel with my questions requiring thought, research and investigation is my creative work which looks from a different viewpoint and asks questions in a different form. This goes back to interesting comment from my tutor, “Remember that what is expected of death and places of commemoration, such as burial grounds, is a cultural imposition that is only of importance as far as it can show the researcher the social approach to these notions and allows for a challenge”. (Xenou, 2022) What I take from this is the idea of a challenge or a question. A written work and a creative photographic work which poses questions to the audience and to myself. I think of this as a work under tension.

One practical thing on my creative visual test pieces is to continue my progress in linking my research with my creative work. “reflect closely on what you are representing and how it feels – do the aesthetics of your artefacts work appropriately? Which parts work and why? Which don’t and why not? How can you resolve the parts that don’t?“(Xenou, 2022)

Looking forwards, next month, in addition to continuning my research, I will produce a mid-point review, which looks back at what I have done so far and forwards to where I might be heading.