Progress review against learning outcomes

This was an idea from previous feedback session and I think is a good one. It provides an opportunity for me to return to the basic outline and aims of the unit and then stop and think about what I have done so far and to summarise my progress so far in relation to learning outcomes and to think about what I can do better.

Photography 3.1: Practice and Research (PH6PAR) Learning Outcomes

In general terms, I feel that my understanding of the terms knowledge, understanding and application have shifted many times over the course of my studies.  This is a good thing as it implies deeper consideration of my areas of study and of the basics of learning.

LO1 – Examine your emerging practice through a considered body of self-directed work

My work on research, written works and creative test pieces is developing in pace with my emerging practice. It is far from polished and at this stage, I have no clear or definite idea of where exactly I am heading.

When I started this unit, I thought I had that clear and definite idea of my level 3 project but the more I research and practice and stop and think and then research and create more test pieces, the more different questions occur to me and different paths of research. Quite apart from the terms of this course and any assessment, I am learning, through my work, about myself. There was always going to be a very emotional and introspective element to my chosen field of interest. I increasingly feel through trying to understand the fields of death, symbolism, loss, grief and memory, very close to my own personal relevation and better understanding of a crossroads in my life when in space of 3 days, I lost my mother and then my daughter. I realise now that I didn’t even mention my mother when I was articulating this project. Strangely it was as if there was a gap in my head. In my research this is an important idea around loss and the impact on the living.

LO2 – Apply relevant research methods and subject knowledge to test, inform, and develop your work.

My research is developing. I have not been trying to force any set direction in my first half of course. Instead, I have been researching areas of interest. There is a feeling that the research drives me rather than me driving my research. My analogy would be allowing the wind to take me where it will.  I do feel that there is a gap between my research and how this relates to and informs my creative attempts and the development of my practice and areas of specialisation.

LO3 – Present informed connections between your research and practice interests.

I mentioned that I felt there was a gap, or maybe a mismatch, between my research and practice interests. I think about these but need to be more definite and organised about recording my thoughts and plans. It not so much a failing with what I have done so far, it just an area that I can improve upon looking forwards. I thinbk as I approach my research and creative works in more depth in this half of the unit, these connections will become defined. I am aware of this so will make a conscious effort to think more on these connections as I work. Crucially, I need to force myself to bring some of my research back to foundation that this is a photography degree. I therefore need to conduct my research thinking of my themes of things such as death, loss and memory through the prism of photography.

LO4     Articulate your creative ideas and critical thinking using suitable communication methods.

I think I have been articulating areas of interest, ideas that interest me from my research and creative works, interpreting my creative impulses using a variety of techniques and am comfortable with different routes on how to communicate these interests.

I have identified areas I can work better, or in business speak, work smarter particularly in recording my thoughts, the links between my practice, my research and including a feedback loop, by which I simply mean trying something, reviewing and then trying again.

As the first month in second half on unit, I have tried to look in more depth this month especially around my creative works, my initial attempt at a literature review, my revised plan and my expanding list of sources which interest me. I will be interested to receive feedback on these things to see if my conscious attempt to shift my energies are moving me in the right direction.