Progress review against learning outcomes #7

I started to review my progress against learning outcomes last month and so will continue this so as to map progress from now until end of unit.

Photography 3.1: Practice and Research (PH6PAR) Learning Outcomes

LO1 – Examine your emerging practice through a considered body of self-directed work

Last month I stated that my research, written works and creative test pieces were developing in pace with my emerging practice. I said that my work wasn’t polished at this stage.

All I would add to what I said last month is that I have spent time creating further test pieces and writing on my motivations and creative choices. This continues to build my body of self-directed creative pieces and the writing which goes along with these works adds to my sense of trying to better understand my emerging practice.

LO2 – Apply relevant research methods and subject knowledge to test, inform, and develop your work.

Last month I stated that I wasn’t trying to force the direction of my research and was allowing the different strands to pull me in whatever direction matched with my interests. I continue with this same approach.

LO3 – Present informed connections between your research and practice interests.

Last month I mentioned that I felt there was a gap or mismatch between my research and practice interests. I have made a conscious effort this month to try and record more of my thoughts around my creative works. At this stage I didn’t attempt to link these thoughts with detailed research outcomes.

LO4 Articulate your creative ideas and critical thinking using suitable communication methods.

Last month I commented that I was comfortable with articulating areas of interest, ideas that interest me from my research and creative works and with interpreting my creative impulses. As I said, I have made more of a conscious effort to write about my creative choices. More detailed methods of articulating such thoughts likely to be made in form of a video presentation which I will prepare before the end of this unit.