Tutor feedback #1

My feedback this month from my tutor was very helpful to me. It helped me set scene for this unit and to deal with the gap between 3.1 and 3.2 which I think has removed pace and energy and structure and focus from my work.

I presented an update of work in progress including thoughts on student feedback on my creative works, my ongoing research and creative works and the future development of my project as well as an initial draft of a plan with thoughts on the external project and reflection on my literature review, dissertation proposal and some key words relevant to how I see my project at this point in time.

My tutor explored what I had written and her overall feedback was that there was much in here that was interesting but at same time she felt my thoughts slightly less coherent and focussed that at end of 3.1 with more confusion and doubt. My tutor mentioned the emotional and mental impact of my project which is something we both knew would be a part of my project and ongoing studies. She also expressed thought that some of my questions would remain unanswered through my work. I thought a helpful suggestion was to try and keep a grasp on my focus and to be clear and certain what my work was for. Maybe seems a simple thing as I write it, but sometimes I maybe need to restate the obvious, to keep track of progress, to record work in progress and to arrange thoughts around learning outcomes.

On practical matters, my tutor suggested I consider approaching other students to expand on potential different directions for an external facing project and I should look again at my planning for this unit.

Of most interest to me was suggestion I look at liminality and Rites of Passage by Arnold van Gennep and his thoughts on the tripartite sequence related to rituals of separation, transition and incorporation. as this month progressed I have found much in the idea of liminality which interests me and seems relevant to my project.