Exercise 2: Ethics

What does ethics mean to me in my photography and in particular to my major project?  My project has obvious ethical considerations as I explore subjects surrounding death which might cause discomfort or psychological impacts to my audience. Is it enough to be up front and honest about what my work is about and then to present my potential audience of the choice of walking away or engaging with my work? I think that this would mean that my work must be presented in a way that this choice is available and my work should not be presented in a way that people who have not made this conscious choice could stumble across my work. This would preclude exhibitions spaces where public going about their lives such as hospital corridors, railways stations, outdoor spaces. It also means I would have to think carefully about choice of venue. For example, a hospital which contains the sick and their relatives. How might they respond to a project about loss. Similarly, if project shown in church hall used by the elderly. These considerations a balance as I also feel my work has beneficial element and can help open thoughts and discussion around death. Should this discussion element be part of the exhibition where audience have chance to feed back and to interact with the artist?

Just from my brief thoughts above, I think that framing my motives in a statement of ethics will help to evolve my practice over time. In my practice, I have to tread a fine line between what I want to capture to try to tell stories through my work, and moral considerations when I tackle subject areas which can be challenging and painful.

The points I raise above are the beginnings of an empathetic understanding of my project through the eyes of others and potential impacts on them. Part of this ethics discourse is about describing potential risks and thinking of ways to mitigate such risks. If my work challenges conventions, I need to find ways not to make my work less upsetting and more bland or palatable or ‘middle of the road’ but to recognise the potential risks to others and to see how such risks can be managed.

Ethics of my major project is something I will think on as I work and will return to time and time again throughout this year.