Research Task – Graduate Case Study: Jane Weinmann

Browse Jane Weinmann’s OCA Photography graduate case study padlet

Add a short note to your learning log with one or two points that may have relevance to your own practice and project development.

It is always interesting and instructive to see the work of others especially when these people have undergone their journey in same learning institution as I have. It fascinating to pick up the points of similarity and of difference. Jane Weinmann is great example. While I don’t know her and hadn’t come across her work during my studies, her work as presented on the OCA Padlet is very instructive. I was immediately struck by the layout and clear delineation of what Weinmann pulled together for her major project. Based on this case study, I have thought about areas of my own work which need further input, whether I haven’t thought of things yet or whether I have worked on these but haven’t produced anything yet in my blog.  On a presentation point of view, I wonder if the Padlet provides a different way of presenting work from my blog which might be more accessible for assessors.

I watched Weinmann’s video production which explained her project and the research which underpinned her work. This was a very engaging, powerful and concise production and is worth consideration as a way to frame and explain my own work. The video can be seen on Vimeo.