Research Task – Graduate Case Study: Sarah-Jane Field

Browse Sarah-Jane Field’s OCA Photography graduate case study padlet

Add a short note to your learning log with one or two points that may have relevance to your own practice and project development.

Like last month’s case study, I don’t know Sarah-Jane Field and hadn’t come across her work during my studies. I was surprised by the direction of Field’s project using Artificial Intelligence as a partner in her collaboration and the complexity of this work, using proprietary machine-learning app, an artist character and music. I found her work very challenging although having said this the presentation on the OCA Padlet showing the development of this work, the steps and stages Field went through as she traverses the level 3 units and the final realisation of her work are all fascinating. For me this is kind of project which blows my mind and I wonder how my own efforts could ever measure up to this work?