Exercise 3: Editing

This is a good point in the process to also begin to decide on what to leave behind, or shelve until after you have graduated. These could be ideas hovering in the background or creative possibilities emerging in the work. 

Use your notebook to record them so they can be returned to at another time. 

There is a lot of project work from earlier in my studies that I want to revisit and rethink now I am almost through level 3. The research and thinking part of my practice has grown a lot since I first worked on some of these projects and I feel there is scope for valuable rework. In addition, there are new projects I am considering, existing collaborations and new chances to engage externally whether on open calls or residencies. I would also like to build upon experiences such as my recent application for funding which has just been returned with the following comment, “We recognised the opportunity which the project offered for your creative and professional development. While your application was recommended for funding, in the context of a highly competitive funding round, it was not possible to prioritise your application over others under consideration.”  This application is one I will adjust and resubmit and will use the experience as a positive I will take forwards with me once I leave the OCA. Another potential avenue I been considering is a postgrad course in Art Psychotherapy which would open door to teach Art Therapy and would be interesting way to use my experiences. Many of the projects I mention above are too time-intensive to pursue to completion or even to investigate in depth at this stage so I will be very selective on which works add a positive to aid my major project and which works can be placed on the back burner.