Promotion of Work

Submit a document that traces the evidence of the promotion of your work so far, as well as how you intend to develop this in the subsequent stages of the unit.

I often feel that the promotion of myself and of my work with regards to my exhibition is something I don’t need to focus too heavily on at this stage. My exhibition isn’t finalised yet, I need to source a blackboard and see-saw, I am still wondering about whether to have an exhibition in a non-tradition space and I will need to consider if my work is for sale and if so at what price, I not yet chosen a date for exhibition as my work for exhibition not ready yet. I expect this to be in 2025. I have to decide if I want to pay more for exhibition at a busier time of year where I will get more footfall or if I want a cheaper price when Edinburgh is quieter. Once it is ready I will look at options for print and framing as well as printed materials to accompany my exhibition. Lots of things then which still need to be finalised. The ask here is to show the evidence of promotion of my work so far and how this self-promotion will continue. There are things I have done such as build a personal website. This is at

I have also re-activated my Instagram page. This is at

Much of my other thoughts on promotion will be delivered closer to my final submission. This includes engaging with gallery in Leith to see what publicity they offer. I have seen similar posts on Instagram and on the Leith Makers website and posters on window of gallery for other projects displayed there. I have mentioned printed matter, I have seen other artists who produce bookmarks, business cards and also smaller copies of their works mounted and ready for sale. To this list I am looking at zines as well as a small booklet to accompany my exhibition. All things to consider.

I can easily self-promote on my website and Instagram page.

I also want to look at Graduate Photography Showcases hosted by the OCA. I will engage with this process next year.

I have been looking at some charities which engage with loss and bereavement. When my project is more advanced I want to engage with some of these and offer them space for some promotional literature, badges etc in exchange for them promoting my exhibition. I have already asked Pfizer about sponsorship but they tell me they don’t offer individual sponsorship but instead focus on registered charities.

I wrote previously about promotion in my blog

I realise that this is more of a to-do list rather than an evidenced view of my promotion, however, I do not feel my project is at an advanced enough point to do many of the steps I list above.