Reflective Commentary

The course notes asks the student to produce a short reflective commentary outlining the development of my ideas during my work on this part of the course.

My major project is developing in concept and in execution. The developement of my project is a fluid process which uses repeated cyclical iterations of inspiration, research, feedback, reflection. As I work through this process time and time again, I sometimes experience doubt in my work and in my own sense of worth. This seems to be a cyclical feeling which comes and goes with my mood, whatever going on day to day, with notable anniversaries and with the progress of my project. I approached one of my peers to discuss this as loved her expression of a project which addresses death, loss and grief yet also conveys the sense of hope. This mental struggle maybe does not sit well with question asking the student to think of the development of ideas yet, for me these feelings exist at the core of my work. It is helpful to discuss these thoughts and to bring them into the open.

It is difficult to produce a logical equation for how my ideas emerge and come to fruition. An example of using feedback will change depending on what the feedback says and what my reaction to this feedback might be. The research and looking at the works of others is a valuable part of this process for me. I will attempt to pull this commentary back from the abstract to the nitty gritty of my project as it develops. I had wondered if by project 7 everything would be settled but this turns out to be incorrect. Yet I do not feel I am behind in my work. I am happy with most of my project including the idea of using physical objects to end my exhibition even though I have had to overcome challenges and don’t yet hold these objects in my hands. There are still challenges to overcome as I am undecided about the end of the photographic element of my project. As I have already said earlier in this post, I recognise that I might not be able to resolve this to my satisfaction. I have been continuing to create works and to ask for feedback although I do not always see these as fitting into my major project. This creativity, I feel, is a necessary part of my process and keeps me thinking about different choices and the reasoning behind these and behind the works I have picked already. One interesting thing as my undfergraduate study comes to an end, is where I receive feedback in the future outside of the OCA. There is an alumni group which I am part of and the current senior students have already spoken about posibility of keeping in touch and in continuing some of the sense of fellowship we have within the OCA.