Exercise 2: Exhibition Introduction

Produce a concise text that introduces your work to the public, as you test ways of presenting work and sharing final outcomes with audiences, outside the art school environment, as you step towards graduate status. 

Provisional Introduction

“My art has grown from a place of sorrow and the trauma of grief following the death of my daughter. I struggle with this theme of loss, creating visual works based around the media of photography which allow me to externalise my feelings and to speak not just of my own personal experiences but also look to the wider universal constant. The richness of my memory of my daughter, my engagement with her death and my gradual acceptance and understanding of grief means that my work is emotionally charged but with a palette which has relevance for the wider society. I begin with the straightforward depiction of place and time before shifting to more conceptual works which attempt to describe loss and ask questions about mortality. “

Continue to use the follow resources to help you:

Review the Enterprise Hub resources Promoting yourself and Showcasing your work: