Exercise 4: Peer Support

During this part of the course we suggest you reach out to your peers through stage 3 forums and familiarise yourself with existing tutor-led and student-led live sessions in photography stage 3 and wider OCA. 

You may also wish to consider any external peer groups, locally and/or online that you may already be engaged with or have ideas about developing. Take a moment to consider peer support structures, and how these may help support you.

I have several pathways I can use with different groups and individuals to ask for feedback on my work. There is a group of Scottish colleagues I have worked with for a number of years. Pre-Covid pandemic, we used to meet regularly for gallery visits and workshops led by OCA tutor Wendy McMurdo. There is also the Level 3 Critique session which runs monthly. The 3.3 student group is limited because at the present time there are only 3 of us on 3.3 but this group can and does provide feedback when asked. My tutor provides another source of feedback.

External to these OCA based groups, I have joined an association who run regular support groups for post-graduate students and who publish their own journal. This is a relationship I will explore during this year.