Exercise 4

Produce a final work statement for your Major Project.

Work Statement/Introduction

My statement to introduce my major project which the coursework calls a final work statement is as follows:

Scatter by Richard Dalgleish is a deeply personal and emotional exploration of the spaces between life and death. Inspired by my daughter’s eighteen-month journey through cancer to her death and by my own parallel journey as I watched her die and was compelled to embark on a period of learning and self-reflection in an attempt to comprehend loss.  The richness of my memory of my daughter, my engagement with her death and my gradual acceptance and understanding of grief means that my work is emotionally charged but with a palette which has relevance for the wider society. My daughter Rebecca does not feature directly in this exhibition but her being runs like a thread through this project.

Project Title

I have changed the title of my project, making it less literal and more abstract and conceptual with more room for my audience to engage with my work. I can easily imagine that this title might change several times before the exhibition as I live with the current title and get used to it. I used work on a poster for my exhibition to test what different words looked and felt like. Some of my choices are shown below:

© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Selection of Printed Works Showing How Different Titles Look and Feel