Exercise 5

Use the Assessment Guidance, and the feedback you have received from your tutor to select work that meets this course’s Learning Outcomes.

For the document detailing my work towards the learning outcomes that is shown below, I have tried a different approach from previous years. Previously, I felt that my learning outcomes submission is clumsy. I tried to link individual posts with learning outcomes but often hit on the fact that items of work crossed boundaries and ticked the box for more than one learning outcome which made my submission messy. Based on that, for this final submission I will attempt a different approach. I have highlighted a range of posts selected by date or by project. These have a broad content which shows progress towards multiple learning outcomes. Where necessary, I supplement them with individual posts, for example, showing my research or creative test pieces. I have found that using this new approach seems to result in more reflective comments, which may sit aside from the purpose of providing evidence. I would appreciate feedback on my new approach. From an assessment point of view does this approach feel “light”? It seems to me that using this new approach, I ask more of the assessor rather than trying to fit a post from my blog into a learning outcome when there is often no exact match. I recognise that it is possible I ask too much.

I have also found myself leaning towards using posts I started in previous years’ study but which still feel relevant for my 3.3 assessment. Where I have used such posts, I have revisited and expanded upon my original research.

I have asked for feedback on my submission and on my chosen approach so, based on how my tutor responds, I might yet do another edit of this document.

I embed a PDF document showing my learning outcomes submission for project 10: