Collaboration #1

I have the potential for three collaboration projects with different partners. These been slow to develop. One is with a poet. She sees the collaboration as being her words matched to my images perhaps shown in an exhibition. She gave me a book of her poetry to look at.







My second project will involve work with a photography student whose practice involves words and images. This project still in early stages. We been having discussions via email as our as our schedules not yet matched in with one another. We have a Zoom call planned for mid-July.

The third of my collaboration projects, I am investigating folklore and forest spaces alongside my own work on loss and grief. I took a series of photographs when on holiday in June. Am interested in lightness and in the dark. In my images I shown these in extreme forms with sun shining through trees and of very dark shaded ared in the woods. I also looked at the idea of pathways, of monuments and of gaps and cracks in rock and in madmade things.

These are all at an early stage of development. I have been investigating different processes with these images; still images with no editing, photographs edited on the computer, prints edited with scalpel and video.

I show some images which interest me on a contact sheet. How these ideas develop will depend on my collaboration partner’s thoughts. We have a meeting planned a week on Saturday to catch up and show what we been working on.


I also show some of these images in more detail. These images not been edited at this stage and show the brightness from sun peeking through the trees, an area of dark in a wood and a long crack on an interestingly contoured rock.