Liminal Test Pieces as a Homage to Jo Spence

Below I show works which I have been trialling. These add to my growing body of work but I have doubts over whether these fit directly into the edit I am pulling together for my Major Project.

The first sequence comes from photographs made by Jo Spence. I was writing about her as a major influence on my practice and was taking some quick snaps with my mobile phone from her book, Jo Spence: The Final Project. This produced a nice image which included the curve of the pages in the book and my fingers holding the book open. I used Spence’s images but didn’t worry about replicating the original orientation and edited these digitally, sometimes including my fingers and sometimes removing them. I added sections to remove the background in my study which added sections to Spence’s original works. I then experimented with contrast, exposure, levels and the use of filters. I show the works individually and then as a group of 6 images.

© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 01
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 02
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 03
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 04
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 05
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 06
© Richard Dalgleish, 2024, Jo SpenceTest Piece 07

This was interesting experiment done as a homage to Jo Spence. I used six photographs where Spence positioned herself ‘floating’ over different backgrounds. I guess original photo was shot in a swimming pool. My favourite of these shoys is number 01. Spence seems to be standing with arms outstretched and looking towards the right hand side of the image. I created a new part of image which was originally my hand and some of my desk where I shot this image. This creates that sense of another space and fits with my sense of trying to visually express this liminal space. In other works I have used the fold of the page and expanded this to create different expressions of the mininal space whether with light, darkness, shade and colour.